Dennos Museum "Green Intentions" Exhibit Opening
Green Elk Rapids wants to thank the people who helped make our Dennos Museum reception possible:
The staff at Dennos Museum, the Green ER members who contributed time, materials, ideas, information, funds, and cookies!!!, to make the reception a festive occasion and celebration of 14 years of raising environmental awareness in our community. The exhibit recognizes efforts by past village president Dan Reszka and past village manager Bob Peterson, current village manager Bryan Greenback and current village president Jim Janisse, village council members through the years, graphic designer Jim Witte, Pro Image staff Matt and Todd, Barb Mullaly, the many authors and speakers who have visited us through the years, students, and supporters who helped assemble our material. We hope you all recognize your efforts in this exhibit. Our sincerest thanks for all this, exhibit team Kim and Royce |
Green Elk Rapids Exhibit at the Dennos Museum Center
April 15th Green Intentions: One Community Promoting Environmental Awareness
This exhibit highlights activities by the Green Elk Rapids Committee since their
inception in 2009. With a mission to raise awareness and appreciation for environmental issues and the natural environment, the volunteer group works to engage the community through a variety of educational experiences to make an impact at the local level and beyond. Their intentions are to encourage individuals and other communities to actively green their game. |
The exhibit location is adjacent to the Miliken auditorium in the long hallway with skylights.
A reception is also being planned before the exhibit - Details to be announced soon.