September 2017 Almanac
Wasp (James Dake)
September 4- Hundreds of bees swarmed around the black walnut tree in our yard. They were there for several hours. _Terri Reisig. September 15-We had a beautiful visitor at home today! (Monarch Butterfly pictured to the right)-Gary Stauffer. September 12 -A heron has been flying over the river by the bridge that leads to the library. Last Saturday it was standing in the water where the river flows into the bay. _Terri Reisig. September 19-While crossing the footbridge to the library, I met a couple of neighbors intently watching something happening in the river below. They had spotted a very large school of minnows in the shallows, and we decided that some of the local salmon would eat well that evening. _Royce Ragland. September 21-Today I took my three year old son to the Memorial Park beach, and he could not wait to get in the water. Collecting rocks and wading in the water is such a thrill for a child that visits Elk Rapids far too infrequently. In between visits he talks about nature walks with his grandparents and asks when he can go back to Lake Michigan. –Bronwen Bloem September 22- Paper wasps are busily flying around the back yard more. Queen wasps and honey bees hibernate, emerging in the Spring and max out their living capacities by the Fall making them more prevalent now. They may be more easily aggravated since they will soon die away as cold weather approaches. - Lauren Dake |
Blue Herron (James Dake)
Monarch Butterfly (Gary Stauffer)