Nature Fest Particpants!
Booth Locations (*Activities for kids)
Elk River on Left 1 Anglers of the Ausable
2 Au Sable Institute *3 Bay Area Recycling for Charities *4 Bear Earth Herbals *5 Kingsley Folk School 6 Climate Action Network 6 Groundwork Center for Relilient Communities 7 Conservation Resource Alliance 8 Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians 9 Tart Trail 10 Nakwema Trailway 11 Elk Rapids Trail Alliance 12 Paddle Antrim *13 Norte |
Elk River on Right 14 Elk-Skegemog Lakes Association
15 For the Love of Water (FLOW) 16 GOREC/Leave no trace 17 Elk Rapids Garden Club *18 Grand Traverse Butterfly House & Bug Zoo 19 Pollinator Partnership - Michigan 20 Charlevoix ● Antrim ● Kalkaska ● Emmett Cooperative Invasive Species Management 21 Grand Traverse Conservation District 22 Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy |
River Street*23 Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
*27 Grass River 28 Great Lakes Water Studies Institute Northwestern Michigan College *29 Inland Seas 30 Leelanau Conservancy 31 Michigan Department of Natural Resources Hartwick Pines State Park 32 Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division 33 Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger 34 Oryanna *35 Raven Hill 36 Saving Birds Thru Habitat *37 Skegemog Raptor Center 38 slip. vintage |
Sidewalk to Flag 39 Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council
40 Torch Conservation Center 41 The Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay |
Inside HERTH* Story Be Told with Jennifer Strauss, professional children's story teller
- Elk Rapids Rotary Club - Green Elk Rapids - Lost and Found - Nature Fest Information Station |
Outside HERTH- Friends of the Elk Rapids District Library
* Sidewalk Chalk Drawing * Temporary Tattoos |
Library Grounds* Treasure hunt and crafts throughout the day
Look for artist Louise Pond creating works of art around Nature Fest! (artist's choice💚)
Refreshments@HERTH - Coffee, Water - Bring your cup if possible!
* Kids Activities
3 - Bay Area Recycling for Charities - kids activities
4 - Bear Earth Herbals - DIY nature craft for kids, some demos on other folk skills and various folk skill materials for touching and exploring, a herbal tea available for folks who bring their own cups/mugs!
13 - Norte - kids' balance bikes
18 - Grand Traverse Butterfly House & Bug Zoo
27 - Grass River - hands-on activities are geared towards families, people of all ages
29 - Inland Seas - hands on kids activities
31 - Michigan Department of Natural Resources Hartwick Pines State Park - "Animal Soup" - guess the wild animal with a pelt and a blindfold
35 - Raven Hill - See a corn snake, bearded dragon and box turtle (touch or handle, depending on comfort level)
38 - Skegemog Raptor Center - may bring birds of prey to see (depending on aviary flu situation)
Library Grounds - Elk Rapids District Library: treasure hunt and crafts on Library grounds follow the white bridge near Booth 38's location
HERTH - Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore - interactive experiences
HERTH - Story be told - professional story teller
HERTH - Create chalk art in the street
HERTH - Temporary tattoos
3 - Bay Area Recycling for Charities - kids activities
4 - Bear Earth Herbals - DIY nature craft for kids, some demos on other folk skills and various folk skill materials for touching and exploring, a herbal tea available for folks who bring their own cups/mugs!
13 - Norte - kids' balance bikes
18 - Grand Traverse Butterfly House & Bug Zoo
27 - Grass River - hands-on activities are geared towards families, people of all ages
29 - Inland Seas - hands on kids activities
31 - Michigan Department of Natural Resources Hartwick Pines State Park - "Animal Soup" - guess the wild animal with a pelt and a blindfold
35 - Raven Hill - See a corn snake, bearded dragon and box turtle (touch or handle, depending on comfort level)
38 - Skegemog Raptor Center - may bring birds of prey to see (depending on aviary flu situation)
Library Grounds - Elk Rapids District Library: treasure hunt and crafts on Library grounds follow the white bridge near Booth 38's location
HERTH - Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore - interactive experiences
HERTH - Story be told - professional story teller
HERTH - Create chalk art in the street
HERTH - Temporary tattoos
Join us on June 18
The Green Elk Rapids team is very excited to host this event!
Nature Fest, with charming Historic Elk Rapids Township Hall as its hub, offers lots of exciting ideas, projects and family-friendly activities. If you're planning a trip to enjoy the beach and the quaint downtown - We'd love to see you on Saturday, June 18! Get a fresh perspective from an interesting mix of 40 nature oriented organizations located in booths around beautiful Veterans' Memorial Park. Plus:
Nature Fest aspires to be a sustainable event with the following practices:
June 18, 11-3 pm @Veterans' Memorial Park, Elk Rapids